

Key stage 3 students will follow an engaging and challenging drama curriculum, focusing on developing key performance and analytical skills. Students will learn the key concepts of performing on stage and learn how to adapt texts from page to the stage focusing on directorial decisions and the impact these have upon the audience. Students will cover a wide range of topics such as: devising, characterisation, performance practitioners through a variety of play texts.  Students will grow in confidence, develop skills in teamwork, communication and performance skills whilst feeling secure in a welcoming and supportive drama environment.



Students who follow the GCSE Drama pathway will begin their course, exploring a deeper understanding of the key disciplines of performance. Students will be exposed to a variety of performance styles/genres and texts, including live theatre.

Component 1 Devising: Students will study the craft of theatre making. Students will be given a range of stimuli to evoke ideas and draw from their own experiences and theatre practitioners in order to create thought-provoking theatre experiences for their audience.

Component 3 Interpreting Theatre. Students will study a set text (Section A) in preparation for their GCSE examination. They will explore characters and their relationships, consider page to stage techniques and pay particular attention to the role of the audience. For Section B of the exam students will watch and review a range of live performances, evidencing their learning of the role of the director, performance techniques and their impact on the audience.

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Component 2 Text in Practice: Students will research and select a given text. Working within a group to explore the themes, characters, and relationships, they will create their own interpretation of the text, clearly showing their own artistic intentions for their performance. This will be assessed and performed to a visiting examiner.

Students will conclude the course by preparing for and revising the Component 3 unit: Interpreting Theatre for their final written examination.